20,000 Words AI Translation + 30 Days All-access Trial, absolutely FREE! Sign-up by 31st January to get this offer!

Sign up by 31st January, 2023 to avail an all-access trial and ZERO hosting charges for Knowledge Base Integrations – absolutely FREE FOR 3 MONTHS!

Zendesk Language Support Sorted With Lingpad AI

The Zendesk translation plugin by Lingpad streamlines, automates and powers up multilingual customer service in 120+ languages. Efficient AI-powered translations combined with automated CX workflows save time and effort, and boost CSAT scores.

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G2 review bubble
ZD G2 review

Powering Multilingual Customer Support For Global Brands Like

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Leroy Merlin
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YouScan Logo
Particle for Men
Intersolia Logo

Break Language Barriers With Lingpad - Your AI-powered Zendesk Translation App

Enhance Zendesk language translation with the ultimate AI-powered localization tool. The Lingpad App boasts exceptional features built to help YOU provide efficient multilingual customer support in 120+ languages.

AI Powered

Automated. AI-powered.

Deliver automated, efficient, AI-powered customer service in any language with Lingpad - the ultimate Zendesk translation plugin.


Brand-specific Communication, Always.

Guarantee brand consistency across all Zendesk translations with YOU-centric features such as Translation Memories, Glossaries, and Tone Selection.



No more hiring and training resources as you expand to new regions! With Lingpad, you can deliver Zendesk language translation across all channels simply by adding a new language.

Human Like AI

Human-like AI

Lingpad AI has been trained with billions of human-translated words to render precise Zendesk chat translation in seconds.

No Code

No-code integration

Lingpad's no-code integration allows you to offer Zendesk multilingual support to global audiences and reach new markets in a single click.

Pay as you grow

Pay as you grow

A simple, zero-hassle plan to access all our features. You pay for what you use – nothing more. View our comprehensive Support Pricing structure here.



We are ISO-certified, GDPR-compliant and have implemented stringent safeguards that ensures data privacy and security.

Premium Support

Premium Support

A dedicated Lingpad Localization Manager (LLM) - your steadfast support on the journey to elevate customer satisfaction worldwide.

G2 icon

Lingpad integrates easily with our CRM system, allowing us to translate messages from customers in any language and send replies directly. Our team has been able to improve efficiency and respond accurately.

Why Use Lingpad For Zendesk Translation?

Providing support in your customers’ preferred language has never been easier! Deliver a seamless, personalized experience to your global customers, no matter where they are – boosted with the power of automation.



Multi Channel Support

Supported Languages


Dashboard and Analytics

Get a bird's eye view of all your projects and keep track of KPI goals and impact with smart dashboards.



Lingpad upholds the highest global standards for privacy, security, and quality.

Zendesk Support Multi Chanel

Multi-channel Support

Ensure consistent omnichannel experience with accurate multilingual communication without missing a beat!



Enhance translation accuracy and maintain brand consistency with Lingpad's inclusive Glossary.

Tone Selection

Tone Selection

Reflect your desired tone and style, and ensure impactful multilingual communication with tone selection.

Supported Languages

Supported Languages

Break language barriers effortlessly with Lingpad AI. We support over 120 languages for AI-powered translation.

Our Customers Speak for Us

YouScan Logo

Lingpad X

Listen in to learn how Lingpad helped YouScan in improving their multilingual customer service workflows.

Ramina's testimonial banner
Play Video about Ramina's testimonial banner

2 Min Watch


Lingpad X

Discover why Lingpad emerged as the best choice for enhancing LOQED’s multilingual customer support.

Jeroen's testimonial banner
Play Video about Jeroen's testimonial banner

1 Min Watch

Particle for Men

Lingpad X

Hear how Lingpad helped Particle for Men’s CS team overcome their multilingual support challenges.

Julia's testimonial banner
Play Video about Julia's testimonial banner

1 Min Watch

Calculate Your Savings Potential With Lingpad

Learn how much you can save with Lingpad based on your unique customer support requirements.

See How Lingpad Can Work For YOU

Book a demo to see first-hand how Lingpad can make your customer service localization a breeze!

Discover Our Product In Action

Product tour

Interested in discovering how Lingpad seamlessly integrates with Zendesk Support? Dive into our product tour for a first-hand demonstration of its functionality


Make the Switch: Worry-free Migration with Lingpad

Migration pointers


Our migration experts will understand your multilingual customer support strategies in depth and migrate content from different platforms so that you can access all your multilingual content right from Lingpad.

Migration pointers


With the power of automation and human expertise, our localization tool will streamline your multilingual communication—including TMs and Glossaries—for all mediums by migrating every workflow to Lingpad. This will be a continual process with regular syncs and updates.

Migration pointers


Our experts ensure your customer service tool integrations are up and running, existing collaborators are given access permissions, and extensive QA processes are performed from start to finish. This entire process will be completed in three working days.

Your Hub for Multilingual Customer Service Resources

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The secrets to exceeding expectations for global customers? They're here. Explore our blog for insights on multilingual customer service across industries.

Real Voice

Real Voices

Unfiltered conversations around various topics with the brightest minds in the business. Listen in as we explore the future of multilingual customer service.

Help Center

Help Center

Master Lingpad in minutes! Get all your questions answered here with our comprehensive guides & tutorials for using Lingpad and CS integrations.


Lingpad Translate App For Zendesk allows real-time translation between customers and agents. With built-in automation and AI translation, you can take your Zendesk translation strategies to the next level.

Zendesk Support facilitates customer service translation for multiple languages. See how you can configure Zendesk subdomain with your preferred languages here.

You can integrate Zendesk with Lingpad in a single click. Learn how by reading our help center article or watching our YouTube.

Multilingual service is easy with Lingpad X Zendesk plugins.

Zendesk localization is available for multiple languages. View the full list here.

Customer service that is offered by a company in various languages as part of the entire customer experience is known as multilingual support. For frictionless interaction between global customers and customer service agents, brands should use an app for translations — like Lingpad — to facilitate live translation and localization services.

Ready To Supercharge Your Zendesk Multilingual Support?

Book a demo to get a guided tour of the app or install the app with the help of an installation guide.